Ngc7380 - eindresultaat

Ngc7380 - eindresultaat

Berichtdoor Marc Dix » za 04 feb 2012, 14:13

Hi all,

below an image of the Ngc 7380, The Wizard Nebula.
This image was made on serveral nights in December and January.
The mount used to make this image was an Astro-Physics 900 GTO.
The exposure time for each sub frame was 2700s.

Equipement used:
- Astro-Physics 900 GTO
- Meade 10" ACF at f/10
- QSI 583 WSG
- Guiding CCD Meade DSI II PRO

Image data:
L: 5 x ha (best) x 2700s
R: 11 x ha x 2700s
G: 9 x s2 x 2700s
B: 9 x o3 x 2700s

Ha: baader 7nm
O3: baader 8.5 nm
S2: astrodon 5nm

Kind regards,
Marc Dix.

Click image for high resolution.

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Marc Dix
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